Increase Your Skills & Confidence With Our Nail Tech Workshops…


Nail Tech Training

Advanced Nail Tech Training For those wanting to increase their skills and confidence

Recently finished your nail training and still feeling a little unsure of your skill level? Do you want to increase your skills and knowledge in the nail industry (particularly in increasingly popular nail art niche?); Want to learn the skills that will turn your instagram account into a share worthy must follow account?! Want to have the peace of mid of knowing your appointment book is booked solid and know that your clients will turn up to their appointments?

That’s exactly what you’ll learn as part of our advanced Nail Tech Training workshops or one on one training directly with Founder, Susie Gaston.

Through her 18+ years in the industry Susie has carved out a reputation for herself as a leader in the nail art niche and has clients that travel wide and far, specifically have their nails done by her.

This is one of the reasons why Missu personally selected Susie to become one of their representatives and now educator for Missu Nails Australia…particularly specialising in acrylic nails and nail art.

Contact us now (by filling out the form below) to find out more about our upcoming workshops and how you can learn the art and skill of becoming the leader in your niche and area, and have the confidence to get the clients.


Peter Smith

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Jeremy Hill

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Linda Takahashi

Mauris id fermentum nulla. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.